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Danse Demain awarded “Best Documentary Feature Film” at the Iris Global Health Film Festival
The film also won an honorable mention at the International Social Change Film Festival.

"Dance has the ability to help so many people... Watching your documentary reminds us how important and vital it is that we all strive to express ourselves at our deepest level."

“The film Danse Demain reveals a surprising truth. Let our bodies lead the dance, and our minds will follow suit. Leadership will become a harmonious choreography, our creativity a celebration!”

"I am still captivated by the vibrant and passionate testimonies of the speakers, men and women, who shared their experiences and demonstrated the extraordinary impact that dance can have on us in everyday life. A must-see."

“This Belgian preview closed the conference organized as part of Dance Day on the subject of the place of Dance in Belgium. This film is an excellent medium for opening up awareness and debate on this magnificent tool for sharing and communication that is dance! ”
Featured in the Dance Enthusiast magazine
Dance IMPRESSIONS: « Danse Demain » (Dance Tomorrow), a Dance Film Directed by Dounia Zellou. Article written by Ann Moradian.
“What if dance had a new role to play in our societies?” Dounia Zellou explores this question in her film, Danse Demain (Dance Tomorrow). Studies continue to verify dance’s physical and mental health benefits, yet dance is seldom integrated into institutions like hospitals and businesses. While dance does exist in schools and universities, it often seems to be marginalized, underfunded or included as an afterthought. With participation from an array of dance experts in France, Danse Demain highlights the powerful role dance can play in healing, connection, communication, and developing a sense of agency, wellbeing, vitality and joy.
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